Are you about to buy your first sex doll? On the other hand, maybe you already have one and are wanting to expand your sex doll life. Either way, you will experience a great deal of delight and happiness when choosing your next sex doll.
There will be no more excuses like "Darling, let's do it next time" or "Sorry, I have a splitting headache, so not this time." A love doll allows you to try different positions and enjoy sex anytime you want, regardless of your filthy wants or fetishes.
Furthermore, sex dolls have a remarkable reputation for helping individuals overcome social anxiety, manage stress, and enjoy lovely company when they are lonely.
Size is a crucial factor when selecting a sex doll that will meet all of your needs and wants.
Height and Weight Relatively
There is a wide array of whatever-you-like sex dolls available these days, and your focus may wander. It's hardly surprising considering the tremendous diversity available, which includes any size, weight, style, look and added features.
Smaller sex dolls range in height from 60 cm (24") to 140 cm (4' 7"). Some of these dolls may be sex doll torsos or half body dolls, given the height and smaller weight.
A small-sized doll, although not as expensive as a life-size doll, will give you the sense of being intimate with a real woman, and the same sex doll experience to a certain extent.
A medium-sized doll measures 140 to 160 cm (4'7" to 5'3"). She now conveys the feeling that you are with a real woman.
Consider 160cm+ (5'3"+) your tall dolls. These dolls are ideal for enthusiasts of tall girls. They're said to be completely realistic sex dolls. As the most realistic option, a doll of this size may become your daily friend. You can effortlessly outfit her in ordinary clothes and accessories from any store, and she can replicate any pose you would try on a real woman.
Full-life sex dolls may weigh up to 40 kg (88 pounds). At first glance, an 88-pound girl may not seem to be overweight. No, sex dolls are the exception to the norm. For sex dolls, the weight is unevenly distributed, making the doll seem heavier than it is—and carrying a heavy doll is difficult for some customers.
A full life-size sex doll is ideal for the customers who are capable of carrying some heavy stuff. On the other hand, if you have back problems or are unwilling to deal with so much weight, investigate other options.
Why Do Sex Dolls Weigh so Much?
Air-filled toys are no longer used to make contemporary silicone and TPE love dolls. Modern sex dolls' bones are made from a strong metal skeleton. When paired with a thick and firm silicone or TPE covering, they add significant weight. The quantity of TPE/silicone and metal needed to make a quality doll grows with its height.
The Ideal Body Mass Index
If you're new here, you may ask what the ideal sex doll measurements are. If you're new to sex dolls, start with medium-sized ones as a rule of thumb. Why?
To begin with, as compared to tall 160cm+/5’3” sex dolls, they are lighter and easier to manage. During your beautiful sex nights, you could feel free to try out all of your desired positions on a 35-45-kilogram sex doll without much stress.
The most important factor is that medium-sized sex dolls are far more realistic and useful than small dolls. There is also a large assortment of appealing accessories, wigs, and apparel for this size that she may fit for a style change if you know what I mean.
A tall sex doll is the way to go if you want a girl that looks just like a model or a texas cowgirl. She will meet all of your needs and desires. But be prepared to deal with a bit of weight for sure.
The Final Verdict
When shopping for a sex doll, especially for the first time, customers should take their time and think about what they actually want. Keeping track of all the relevant factors might help you make the best selection.
Still not sure where to start? Send us a note, we help many customers understand their requirements and find the perfect match in their sex doll journey.